The first diplomatic gathering to bring together so many countries from all continents, the Paris Peace Conference was tasked with bringing the First World War to a diplomatic end. Faced with unprecedented difficulties, the Allies initially met without the enemies. After difficulties in establishing the organisation of the Conference, the Council of Four helped accelerate the future peace, even if numerous oppositions weakened the assembly on multiple occasions. Judging that the resulting peace did not respect the Pre-Armistice Agreement, which was the basis for peace, the vanquished experienced the treaties as a humiliation. The historiography today tends to distance itself from the Keynesian vision of the conference, and to consider the novel elements developed by the decision-makers of the peace of 1919-1920.

Réalisé par Pierre Couhaut à partir de la notice EHNE La conférence de la paix de 1919, pour en finir avec la première guerre mondiale de Vincent LANIOL.

Voix: Virginie Chaillou-Atrous

Enregistrement, conception et réalisation: Euradionantes


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